Mama - Take Care of Your Sensory System
Celebrating Neurodiversity: A Mama’s Audio Guide to Sensory Self-Care & Associated Workbook
Get Access✔️ Understand the Sensory System
✔️ Tap into Your Sensory Preferences
✔️Choose the Best Self-Care Activities for You
It's Easy to Get Caught Up in the Hustle-and-Bustle
- Busy schedules, constant demands, and parenting pressures can distract you from tending to your well-being.
- Neglecting your sensory system can lead to overwhelm, overstimulation, and heightened stress levels.
- When you're not attuned to your own sensory needs, it can becomes more challenging to support and be flexible with your family, because you're already at the end of your rope.
Discover how leveraging your sensory system can empower you to be a more balanced and attuned version of yourself, and foster a harmonious environment where both you and your child can thrive in your unique neurodiversity.
Get Access
Hi, I'm "Dr. Sam"
I’m a self-proclaimed sensory nerd who’s on a mission to empower parents with education about sensory processing & introducing new foods to their children - without the mealtime battles.
The majority of the time, you can find me over on Instagram @DrSamGoldman, talking all about supporting children with sensory & feeding challenges.
But lately, I’ve been hearing a ton from MAMAS. What’s really cool, is that as moms were listening to my podcast, and following me on Instagram, they weren’t just learning about their kids - they were learning about themselves.
And they’ve been sharing stories with me about how impactful it has been for them to learn about their sensory system, so they could take care of themselves too.
After hearing these stories, I felt that it was really important to create something just for you. Just for mamas who spend little time focusing on their own body, because they are so focused on their childrens’ well being. Mama, you’re important too. And it’s time you started taking care of your sensory system.
Discover the Magic of Sensory Self-Care
Unlock Your Resources
Download your Audio Program & Associated Workbook
Tune in To Your Senses
Discover Your personal & unique sensory system preferences, sensitivities, and needs
Intentional Self-Care
Mindfully select sensory self-care ideas that will nourish your body
Stop Neglecting Your Sensory System
Recharge your superpowers: Unlock the and refreshing world of sensory self-care. Join the tribe of mighty mamas, who are leveraging their sensory system to start caring for their bodies' again. Sign up for the Celebrating Neurodiversity: A Mama’s Guide to Sensory Self-Care audio program & workbook, and discover the magic of the sensory system.