with Dr. Samantha Goldman
Ep. 62. Chanel Kenner on Childhood Nutrition: Tackling Your Top Q&As

"What is your child's specific growth trajectory and are they within their own growth growth curve?" - Chanel Kenner
Ep. 62. Chanel Kenner on Childhood Nutrition: Tackling Your Top Q&As
The Sensory Made Simple Podcast
with Dr. Samantha Goldman
In this episode, registered dietitian Chanel Kenner dives into childhood nutrition, offering expert tips to help parents of challenging eaters make mealtime easier. 🍎
Highlights from this episode:
🎙️ Signs your child may not be getting enough to eat
🎙️ Red flags in your child’s eating habits
🎙️The truth about collagen peptides and protein powders
Links mentioned in this episode & references:
5 Strategies to Fix Picky Eating Mistakes
Chanel's Website
Chanel's Instagram
About Chanel:
About the Host:
Being a parent of a child with sensory challenges isn’t easy. Some days, it feels like you’re walking on eggshells, unsure of what will set off the next meltdown. You’re doing everything you can, but you can’t help wondering if there’s more you could do—or if you’re missing something important.
I’m Sam Goldman, a pediatric occupational therapist and your guide in this sensory journey. I’ve spent over a decade helping parents like you understand their child’s sensory needs and find real-life strategies that actually work. My goal? To help you feel less overwhelmed, more confident, and ready to support your child in a way that feels manageable for your family.
You’re already an amazing parent, and you know your child better than anyone. This podcast is here to give you the tools to make life just a little easier—for both of you.
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Sam: Hey, Chanel, I am so excited to have you here today.
Like we were just chatting about, I have so many questions
that parents ask me all the time
that I just need a dietician's viewpoint on.
So I have saved them all up to ask you today.
But before we get started,
can you give our community a little introduction
to you and who you are?
Chanel: Sure. And first, thanks so much for having me.
I I'm really happy to, to help answer
as many questions as I can.
Um, I am Chanel. I am a registered dietician.
I'm a mom to two little girls myself.
So not only do I have, you know,
the expertise within the field, I also work with, um,
the demographic that I,
that we're gonna be talking about in my own
home on a daily basis.
So, um, did I answer all those questions?
I I was there anything else in the intro?
Sam: You did. You did, man,
you get it right with two kids at home.
You're like, I, I've got this.
I mean, it's mom brain all the time here. So,
So let's Start
With probably the biggest question that,
and I think the biggest source of stress for parents.
How do I know if my child is actually truly eating enough?
And I think so many parents, this is where a lot of
that pressure comes from, right?
They're so worried that they're not getting enough.
Chanel: Yeah. Or like the quote unquote good foods
or the quote unquote healthy foods.
And you'll hear me use quotes a lot
because, um, it really is such an individual experience.
And, um, and I understand where this concern comes from
because kids can either be, you know, the most ravenous
beasts you've ever seen, you know,
eating everything on their plate and then asking for more
and more and more, or they're eating nothing at all.
And that's actually really, really common.
And I think it, uh, throws a lot of parents for a loop
because they're like, why is my kid not eating consistently?
Or they go a few days with not eating much.
And the thing is that kids we're born
with natural self-regulation,
and you'll hear me, you'll hear this come up a lot in our
chat today about this idea of self-regulation
and autonomy with food choices.
We lose that through culture, through messaging,
through clean your plate, right?
That's something I think a lot of us grew up
with if we're millennials, um, the clean Your Plate club.
And it really doesn't give kids a chance to listen to
and honor their own bodies.
So one of the, some of the critical things we wanna look
for is, um, growth.
So not averages,
but what is your child's specific growth trajectory
and are they within their own growth growth curve?
Once they start to fall outside of that, we start
to really pay attention.
And, um, when kids fall below it,
when they start losing weight
or, um, you know, they're not thriving,
that's when we would start to have concern.
And that's probably when you'd wanna bring a dietician on
board to really take a look at what,
what's going on nutritionally.
So, um, so that's a telltale sign.
Also just fatigue, low energy.
Um, if your child is suddenly eating
many less foods than they did before.
So if they were a pretty, um, broad eater
and then suddenly are eating less than 20 foods,
so I usually use 20 as a cutoff.
Um, if they're eating more than 20 foods,
they're actually believing or not doing okay.
They might just be going through a phase
of being more selective,
or their best friend at school is, you know,
talking about not not liking broccoli.
And so now they don't like broccoli.
So there's very normal just ebbs
and flows with, um, this, I know it's frustrating,
but, uh, what we're looking for is really those,
those problem eaters, right?
Sam: Yeah. And something I think is so interesting is a lot
of the times when I refer a family to a dietician,
they'll come back and we'll say, oh no,
we actually talked about what they're eating
and they're doing pretty well.
And a, a parent is so surprised
and a lot of times when I'll send them to a dietician I kind of
have an idea that they're getting some more protein
than they think they're getting some more of this.
And they think, and then when they talk
to you guys, they're like, oh, wow.
Like they, they are eating more than I thought they were.
Chanel: Yeah. I think there's this idea,
and I see a lot of parents do this, where, you know,
a child can get easily overwhelmed if there's too much food
on a plate or there's too much of a certain color
or something that looks strained or off to them.
I mean, everything's very new
and, um, our taste buds change so much across our life
that everything's very intense when you're young.
And so I'll see parents put a adult portion on a plate
and think that's reasonable.
So a lot of it's also just, you know, providing education on
what a reasonable amount of food is for a child,
and especially with exposures,
which we can explore more a bit in a, a little bit.
Sam: Yeah. Oh my gosh, yes.
Especially from like a sensory standpoint,
we talk about like visual visually.
Yeah. I mean, putting a huge piece of chicken
or a huge piece of steak when they're not even eating that
yet, that is so visually overwhelming.
Chanel: Yeah. Ab absolutely.
Sam: So you already talked about some of the red flags,
but are there also any nutritional deficiencies
that can happen when a child is struggling to eat things
that parents should maybe not should be looking out for,
but, but you would be aware of? Um,
Chanel: There always can be a concern.
For example, with protein,
we would look at things like zinc, um,
and b vitamins, which zinc is really important for growth.
And, um, so we would,
there definitely can be nutritional deficiencies.
I think more often than not kids are getting
what they need from variety of foods.
Like for example, um, a lot of parents come to me afraid
of sugar cereals, things like Frosted Flakes
and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
And then they're always surprised when I
say, well, my kids eat those.
And they're like, wait, what? All the sugar?
Well, guess what those cereals are also, they also have, uh,
vitamins and minerals that are added.
They're fortified, so they contain all the B vitamins,
vitamin D, um, minerals, potassium.
So we have to really look at things overall
and understand that like a lot of packaged foods
that parents are actually afraid of are things that have,
we've people put making food.
Yeah, there's some things in there that are questionable
and, uh, I won't go too much into that,
but they also contain things that help.
So, um, very unlikely
that a child is actually deficient given our food
environment now and how many options are available
and how many fortifications
and, um, enrichments there are in foods.
Um, but if a child is actually falling off growth,
growth curve, then that's when we would get concerned.
So as long as they're staying on track,
they're likely doing okay.
Now, small things like iron deficiency, um, that
that can easily be resolved with just some iron drops.
And so it's anything that would be flagged could
really easily be, be, um, addressed
with just some supplementation.
Sam: So I love that you pointed out that some of these foods
that we tend to avoid so much
can actually contain these alternate forms.
You know, nutrients and vitamins and protein.
When you look at it, it's actually really cool that some
of these things that kids naturally veer
towards are also helpful.
Chanel: Yes. And sure they contain things like sugar,
but that's not the only thing we're feeding our kids, right?
We're also promoting
and, um, modeling through our own behavior, fruits
and vegetables and these nutrient rich foods that, um,
are also important, right?
Sam: Yeah. And I, I
love that you pointed out role modeling too,
because I don't know about you,
but how many parents come to me and we'll say,
but you know, I don't eat this, but I want them to eat it.
And my sister was a culprit of this, and she called me
and she was like, I really want my kids
to eat this vegetable and this vegetable and this vegetable.
And I'm like, but you don't eat that.
And I'm like, let's work on the things that you eat,
and if you want them to guess who needs to start eating it.
Chanel: Yeah. It's, it modeling the behavior is
really, really important.
And also it's not just about showing yourself eating it,
but showing yourself enjoying it
and talking about it in a positive way.
That doesn't have to be,
because we're also, we have to consider age appropriateness.
What's appropriate for a 2-year-old versus a four year olds,
you know, that language is going
to look very, very different.
So it's not helpful to talk about health with a 2-year-old.
We wanna talk about color and texture and the crunch
and the smell,
and so we really engage the senses more so that we can, um,
encourage e exploration through senses.
Sam: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I love that.
Chanel: So, and
I know you do a lot of that in your work, the sensory exploration.
Sam: Definitely I think one
of my favorite things is helping kids find
their own love of food.
And it might not look exactly the same as ours,
but like finding a love of food might look different for,
like you said, a 2-year-old, a 4-year-old,
but we wanna have fun with it.
Chanel: Yeah. We want them to enjoy these things,
and you're right, we wanna show them that
we enjoy learning about new foods.
Sam: So kids who maybe do have some nutrients deficiencies,
a lot of times parents will ask me, could the fact
that they have a nutrient deficiency be a cause
for eating challenges?
Chanel: Um, I haven't seen a lot of nutrient deficiencies leading
to food challenges.
Um, it's more so the other way around where
food challenges can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Um, so I think it's always better to focus more on the,
uh, food expansion piece
and exposure, you know, exposing to new foods
and supplementing as needed where possible.
But, um, it's usually, you know, the lack
of diversity
and variety in, in the diet that's going to lead to,
um, the deficiencies.
Certainly deficiencies can lead to low energy, can lead
to some, uh, physical
and emotional, um, issues, right?
Mental and cognitive issues.
Um, so we can see behaviors and,
and physical response to that.
Um, so that's very, very likely. Mm-Hmm.
Sam: Yeah. Let's talk a little bit more about
that lack of variety.
So especially fruits
and vegetables, this comes up kind of quite a bit.
Kids tend to really like fruits more than vegetables, right?
Because naturally, biologically we're more inclined
to like sweet foods.
They're a little bit easier, I think,
texture wise from a sensory standpoint.
So often when I see kids come in, they are eating
a lot more fruits.
And I will say a lot of the time
that vegetable food group is the one
that gets totally excluded, totally refused.
Is that a huge concern?
Or can kids get many
of the nutrients they need from just fruits alone?
Chanel: Absolutely. Yeah. Fruits are, they're so vilified now,
and I think it's, it's a shame
because, um, you know, everyone's afraid
of sugar these days, and the sugar
and fruit's naturally occurring.
Fruits also contain, um, many, you know,
phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, um,
so they are so nutrient rich.
They also contain fiber.
And when we eat fruit in its whole form,
so we always wanna promote over juice whole form as much
as possible because they're also getting the benefits
of the fiber, and that's gonna slow down any sort
of blood sugar spike response.
So, um, any concerns that parents have about that can be,
or just minimized with the fiber piece.
Um, so yeah, I mean, we want to do exposure
with vegetables absolutely.
When it comes to actually consuming the foods,
we wanna also ensure
that there's food on the plate they're going to eat.
So what I would generally recommend is
that if fruit is the preference, that you include it so
that they'll eat it and get the vital nutrients they need.
And then with exposure, we do very small amounts.
I, I am, you know,
it's like we're talking the size sometimes
of like a fingernail, so we get the,
the vegetables on the plate,
but we're really doing a small amount so
that it's about exploration, not expecting them to, um,
eat a bunch of it.
Um, we also, um, I would recommend, uh, serving vegetables
and different visual display so you know,
you can serve, um, baby carrots, you know, I would serve it
cut, or you can do different shapes with them if you'd like.
Um, I don't expect any parent
to spend hours in the kitchen doing these things,
but, um, we can prepare
or serve them in different visual formats so
that it's different each time.
One thing I will note on that though is that, um, you know,
and as we talk about some more specific eating concerns
and issues, things like arfid, which is an area
that I really specialize in, um, foods that are packaged,
things like sugar cereals, cookies, um, chips,
they're consistent, right?
They're the same every single time.
So when kids do find something that they like,
especially if they have, um, you know,
more ex like extreme sensory experience with food or,
or preferences, um, they like the same preparation.
So if they find the form of vegetable that you serve
and they like it that way, well make sure
that it's something you can do on a consistent basis.
But it might just take, um, you know,
trying different things out to see what works for them.
And to keep in mind that it can take many, many,
many, many exposures.
Um, I think one of the latest
stats I read was 50 plus exposures
before a child will actually try it.
And that can sound frustrating,
but I think it's helping parents level their expectations
with where their child is at.
So it minimizes stress for everyone.
Sam: Yeah. I always talk with parents about sushi,
and I'm like, when was the first time like you tried sushi?
Can you like think back to that?
I'm like, did you immediately like it, did you even
enjoy it after the second time?
Like, if it was anything, like my experience with sushi,
like I, I was not about it
for like a good 30 times, right?
And then all of a sudden now it's my favorite food
because that exposure.
Just trains your brain every time a little less,
it's a little more familiar, it's a little less threatening.
Chanel: So I love that you pointed that out.
It's a funny, so she's one that both my kids love
and I just, you know, I'll go to sushi restaurant
and people look at me like, what, what are you doing?
I'm like, I don't know. I just gave it
to them when they were, I just tried, you know,
just like every other parent,
even though I specialize in this, each of my kids is
so unique in their own preferences.
So I would just give them fish, like,
here's some salmon, here's some tuna.
Those are very strong tastes.
But now there are the kids ordering the
salmon at a restaurant.
And I'm like, well first of all, thanks for being so fancy.
Can we just bring it down? Can you
just eat the chicken nuggets?
But, um, it, it really is just case by case.
And, um, the earlier that you do ex expose foods though,
it does, it does help
because they can develop a palate for it. So
Yeah, absolutely. And
with fruits and started at
Six months old for them.
Six months old.
Sam: Wow. The tuna.
I love it. So, um, also when you mentioned fruits
and veggies and the consistency.
A lot of people don't realize that fruits
and vegetables are so inconsistent at the store.
Every time you go, you,
you really are getting something different, right? So one
of the things I love is using like the freeze dried fruits
and vegetables or the vegetable chips.
As like those first introductions.
'cause they are a little more,
a little more consistent, right?
Chanel: Yeah. Dried mango is a really popular one I see
with the little, little ones that, um, you know, you have
to be careful with some of the texture.
So they have soft, the softer ones that, um,
are not super like beef jerky type texture,
but yeah, they work really, really well
and they're sweet and delicious. So
Yeah. Also why I like
the frozen fruit too. Yeah.
Sometimes I feel like frozen fruits a little bit more
consistent and friendly for kids.
So proteins, tends to be one of those areas that is harder for children.
So a lot of parents will ask me about things like collagen
peptides and protein powders
and those additional forms of supplementation.
Um, do you like those?
Are there specific ones you recommend to parents?
So I'm, I'm not a big fan of protein powders for kids.
So first
and foremost, I, your child,
child is probably getting enough protein.
Um, their needs are just, you know, in line
with their own proportions.
And, um, just in general we tend
to weigh over prior prioritize protein
and I see just Overconsumption
and waste of it.
And, um, so just rest assured,
like we don't have protein deficiencies very often, um,
at least in younger populations.
So if there is a concern with growth, then we would um,
you know, wanna supplement with something like an OR gain
for kids, that's a popular one.
And they have a fruit loop flavor.
A lot of my, um, arfid kids like
that 'cause it tastes like cereal.
Um, there's other flavors.
There's also, you know, insured Boost have
kid formulas as well.
So adding additional protein, um, would be more of a,
like if there's concern with growth
and they're falling off their curve, um,
if there's a failure to thrive.
But, um, I'm not a big fan of it
'cause they just don't need as much.
They can get enough protein from milk. Right. Cow dairy.
It's also another one that people are now, you know, giving.
It's, I don't think it's ever appropriate, like to,
on the flip side of the, the protein powders,
I don't think it's appropriate to give kids plant-based
milks that don't have protein in them.
So oat milks and almond milks, they don't have any protein.
And I see this all the time and it, it's frustrating
because it's not enough nutrition, it's not enough energy
for them, it's not enough really of anything.
So I, I promote as much as possible cow dairy
unless there is an allergy.
Um, because there's lactose free milk there.
Um, there's also soy milk
and that's, uh, an acceptable alternative.
So yeah.
So we can get it from food sources right
before we go to the powders.
Sam: Oh, that's so interesting that
really right now, I mean there is a big kick
with the almond milks and the oat milks
and so I love hearing your take on that.
Chanel: I see it a lot with, um, yeah, with parents giving it
to small kids and it's, it's something I really discourage.
So start with the milks first.
Either a cow dairy or a soy
or there's um, you can get a pee pea milk.
I think there is also protein enhanced almond milk,
but if there's no allergy, we don't need
to create complication.
Right. It's cow dairy is a really excellent, um,
protein source and it's also fortified
with calcium and vitamin D.
So good stuff. Yeah.
Sam: And protein is another one of those ones
that when I send them to you guys a lot of the time
they're like, oh, I didn't realize
that they were eating all these proteins.
'cause those things like hit peas, the things like puffs,
a lot of them do have protein in them.
Small little sources that parents just maybe didn't realize.
Chanel: That is a really great point.
And we, we often don't consider plant sources either,
you know, when they are consuming the, um,
I know Uncrustables are a big one
and that's protein, it's peanut butter and bread.
So it's your grain
and your, your plant, um, you know, the peanut together,
it makes a complete protein.
So yeah. It's hidden in so much.
Sam: It is. I know one of the things you got me hooked on on
your Instagram was the day's killer bread.
Chanel: Oh yeah. It's so good, isn't it?
I just had, it's so good morning.
I love that. Yeah.
Sam: So you mentioned this too, um,
already a little bit,
but I wanna talk a little bit more kind
of about those sweets and those chips and Mm-Hmm.
'cause parents get really nervous about that.
And that's actually how you and I originally connected was
because I came onto your page through intuitive eating stuff
and I thought it was so interesting.
So kind of like we mentioned,
I'm just gonna give a little bit of back story here, is
that often again, kids with feeding challenges
really veer towards those chips and those sweetss
because they are more consistent, they're more friendly,
they're sweeter from a texture perspective,
they're very pleasurable a lot of the time.
But parents are nervous
that their kids are eating maybe so many,
so many chips or so many cookies.
And we start to get into some of those trying
to restrict them and trying to tell them, you know,
like you said, those healthy versus unhealthy.
Can you give us your take on all of it as a dietician?
Chanel: Yeah. So as parents, we wanna create boundaries, right?
Boundaries are important
and we're not letting our children just
eat whatever all the time.
Um, so I'm, I have really firm stance on, um, environment.
You want to make sure that your food environment
feels safe and secure.
Um, you want it to be consistent.
So, um, so having just a place that feels welcoming for food
and, and sets that positive tone.
Um, also setting meal times.
We just work and I think parents can really benefit from
this advice too, is that in our busy days people skip meals
and they go in inconsistent eating patterns
and we really thrive on consistency.
So breakfast, lunch
and dinner, having them around the same time.
Now that's not always possible every single day,
but we try to set that time so
that we can align our hunger
and our, our appetite cues around it.
Our body becomes really, um, reliable when we do this.
So we have kit, you know, our kitchen times
and what I tell my kids
and I tell parents to do the same thing is when
kitchen's closed, kitchen's closed.
So if you're hungry, absolute,
I'm always gonna let you have something,
but these are what your options are.
It's an apple and milk or something like that.
Or it's, um, if we have some leftover veggies from a meal,
it's that vegetable and some milk.
Um, but you know, we're not short order cooks as parents.
So I think it's setting this from boundaries
around meal times meal environment and um,
and then, you know, snack times is needed.
But, um, that's, that's first and foremost.
Um, so in terms of what you serve,
you get to decide as the parent.
So if you don't want
chips in your house, that's your choice.
Um, I'm always going to encourage including, you know,
what I call fun foods, um,
because your kids are going to be exposed to them.
You're not shielding them in your home,
or maybe you're shielding 'em at home,
but you're not shielding them in the world from these foods.
And we want first and foremost
to develop a health healthy relationship with these foods.
And we do that by creating
a positive relationship with them.
So what I usually recommend is serving things like chips
alongside other foods.
So we still have our, our, you know, our growing foods,
we have our protein, our carbohydrate, whether that's rice
or potatoes or something like that.
And then we have our vegetables or fruit or both
and we can serve chips or a cookie
or something like that alongside it.
So you're establishing those boundaries.
But what we're trying to do is take the hierarchy out of it.
The more we remove language, like good
and bad, which is so unhelpful, especially
for small children, the more we remove morality from the,
from our table, the more we can co
cultivate a healthy relationship.
And I see this, I'm a product of it.
My siblings are a product of this.
We grew up with no food rules
and we were able to cultivate that for ourselves.
And it's what I model for my kids. And so yeah.
Are there meals where my oldest, who's five
and a half only eats the chips?
Yeah, sure. That's her choice.
But I serve the options
and she has, you know, full decision over what she eats so
that this is part of, um, Ellen Satter's approach
to feeding, which is, um, uses the,
uh, division of responsibility.
So as parent, you decide what and when and where,
and your child gets to decide what
and how much from what's served, and it's their choice.
And it's frustrating for parents.
It's really hard to give up that control,
but I promise you, your child's relationship
to food is not yours.
It's theirs. And as soon as we give up that kind of battle,
it makes things so much easier.
So hopefully that's a helpful explanation.
So, you know, I encourage buy the chips, you know,
also buy the other foods, have a little bit of everything.
I think that's so hard for parents giving up
that control of
The what they eat from their plate.
It's so hard to sit back and watch
as they make their own choices.
Sam: Yeah. And I've heard so many parents though when they
actually took kind of that approach that you said,
I've had a lot of parents start to serve dessert with dinner
as opposed to after dinner.
And they're like, I just feel so much weight taken off of me
to not have the fight every night about how many bites
of this do I need to take to get my dessert.
They're like, it is just so, such a relief
to not have to fight about that anymore.
Chanel: Yeah. It, it really helps.
Um, and you know, I'll do this a lot of times, um,
my husband and I eat at a different time than my kids
because we're working later usually.
Um, but what we'll do is like, they'll have like kind
of a second thing or like a dessert
with us when we're eating.
So we're still eating together and having that experience.
But, um, it's not about, oh,
dessert is special or this or that.
It's like now we're having some, we're having our meal
and you're having kind of like a second mini meal.
Um, so there's a bunch of different ways
to do it depending on your family and what that looks like.
Um, but yeah, there's, it helps to serve things together
as much as possible so that it minimizes that hierarchy
and um, you know, they kids know, right?
They know a cookie tastes different than broccoli.
You don't have to tell them that.
Sam: Yes. So let's talk a little bit more
before we go about weight.
You mentioned weight when you were kind
of talking about the growth curve,
and I love your take on that
and parents of kids with eating challenges,
they do become really consumed with the weight
because maybe they've been told they're underweight
and that's really concerning to them,
but maybe they've also been told that they are overweight.
I do love how body positive you are when it comes to food,
but can you speak a little bit about how a parent can
navigate this when maybe they were
told one thing or another?
Chanel: Right. We're just so weight obsessed in our culture.
We're so weight focused and, um, and I wish we weren't.
Right. Um, kind of going back to a child's natural
curve, their trajectory.
Um, we all come in different body shapes and sizes,
and I think we need to do more work to celebrate
that, embrace it.
You know, you wouldn't expect a bulldog
to be the same size as the chihuahua.
That would be really unreasonable to ever think that
that can happen in a healthy way.
Right. Um,
but somehow we think that people should be able to do that.
Um, so that's on the, um, you know, larger body spectrum.
And then on the smaller ends,
when a child is quote unquote underweight, we do the same.
Oh, they need to gain to some certain size.
Well, if they've always been on that smaller side, who's
to say that that's wrong for them?
So I'm always looking at what a child's normal is
and making sure that they're healthy, they're thriving, um,
they're getting a wide variety
of foods within their preferences
and you know, parents can work on exposures.
Um, but yeah, I think we need to let go of weight focus
unless there is, um, concern that a child is falling weight
outside of, of that.
So, um, either gaining or losing, right?
Then we wanna look at behaviors
and what else could be going on.
Is it the food or is it a coping strategy
because of something that could have happened
that's traumatic
or, um, you know, there's
so many contributing underlying causes, right?
And we see a lot of food issues, um, develop out of trauma.
So, um, it's never about food.
We make it about food, we make it about weight,
but there's usually something else going on.
Sam: Oh, I love that. 'cause one of my questions for you is
what should we look at instead?
So definitely sounds like there's some other areas
for us to consider there.
Chanel: Yeah. Is there an eating disorder? Right?
Is there concern,
and again, eating disorders are, they're about control,
they're about coping.
They're, they're about many other things
and food is the way that they, um, that they present.
Right? The behaviors with food
and body are how, um, eating disorders present.
So yes, weight can be a red flag that something is going on,
but, um, we, we have to shift our thinking about this
to look at the whole person
and what's going to be best for them to, to approach that.
Sam: Yeah. Well, where can our audience find you
to continue some conversations with you
to continue to learn from you?
Chanel: Sure. I am Chanel Kenner Nutrition everywhere, uh,
on Instagram, it's chanel dot kenner dot nutrition,
and, uh, websites, uh, chanel kenner
Sam: Thank you so much for being here today. This was so helpful. I feel like I learned
so much in this short amount of time.
Chanel: I'm glad it's helpful and always,
always great connecting. Thank you.