$40.00 USD

Understanding Sensory Processing Challenges

If you're a parent of children with sensory challenges, an adult with sensory challenges, or work with children with sensory processing challenges, this training is a game changer for helping you understand why our body may be behaving or feeling a certain way about sensory information. It walks you through how sensory processing works, and the different types & subtypes of sensory processing challenges, using word & terms that are actually understandable! Others who have taken this program describe it as "shifting their entire perspective" on how we experience eating and sensory information. 

In this masterclass you will learn:

  • The meaning of sensory processing & how it affects your child
  • The purpose of the senses 
  • The impact of sensory thresholds on daily life 
  • The different types of sensory profiles: avoiders, seekers, and more 
  • The 3 steps of sensory processing, and where challenges occur 

***When you sign up for this training, you receive 183 days of access. 

***Terms & Agreements