Do you feel like your child goes from 0 to 100 out of nowhere? One minute they seem fine, and the next, they’re melting down, refusing to do...
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your child, unsure of what’s going to set them off next? Or maybe...
Something you may not realize about me, is that I tend to be a bit (ok a lot) sensory-sensitive. In our last blog we discussed what...
Ever feel like your child is just super sensitive to everything? Maybe you’ve noticed them covering their ears at a birthday party or...
If your child is struggling to eat, it can feel overwhelming trying to figure out what’s going on —and even harder knowing where to...
It’s not uncommon for children with sensory differences to engage in more challenging behaviors like yelling, hitting, throwing, etc. But, I...
Does it feel like your child barely eats? Can you count on one hand how many foods your child eats? Does it feel like no matter what you try, they...
Maybe it’s because I love it, but it seems that Executive Function is having a moment. (Do you know this term - Executive Function?)
If you're a homeschool parent, planning lessons can feel daunting. But what if I told you that you could easily make everyday activities...